Our Common Share

The next generation social media platform




Our Common Share™ OCS™, a revolutionary new system of social media, along with community managed governance, and a currency token for its market systems, built on Custom Blockchain technology.


Why Create a New Social Space?

In recent months the world’s leading tech executives including Tim Cook and even Mark Zukerberg have publicly acknowledged the dysfunctional nature of 1st generation social platforms. Sean Parker, Facebook co-founder, now calls himself a social media “conscientious objector.” Former Facebook exec Chamath Palihapitiya went so far as to apologize for his part in creating “tools that are ripping apart the social fabric of how society works”. At Davos Georges Soros went beyond the “addiction” critique of psychologists, public health and youth workers and political science researchers to say that the giants of social “are inducing people to give up their autonomy…


Get Paid To Use OCS™ Social Exchange™

OCS™ offers a system that at its core is about sharing with its community. Our Common Share™ Social Exchange™ is about freedom of expression, artistic expression, and free speech, with real people. Content drives social media, OCS™ recognizes the value of user driven content, and we want to reward you for it. So we want to set aside a % of OCS™ profits into the OCS™ member share, a community owned, and governed fund.


Have you noticed how toxic some social media has become?

Our Common Share™ Ethos will be derived from a mix of internet charters, as well as the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the American Bill of Rights, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). This will put the power of community control back into the systems we use daily. Whether it's creating, coding, writing, sharing, or remembering, OCS™ users will have a say in the creation and management of these ethos.


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